
Share trading, also known as stock trading, is a popular way for individuals and institutions to participate in the financial markets. The premise is simple: you buy shares of a publicly-traded company with the expectation that the value of these shares will increase over time, allowing you to sell them for a profit. However, the reality of share trading is much more complex. It requires a deep understanding of the financial markets, the ability to analyze large amounts of data, and an appetite for risk. But with careful planning, thorough research, and disciplined execution, share trading can be a rewarding endeavor.

Types of Share Trading

  1. Day Trading: It refers to the practice of purchasing and selling shares within the span of a single trading day. Day traders aim to profit from short-term price movements in the stock market. They use strategies like scalping (buying and selling shares quickly for small profits), range trading (buying and selling within price patterns or “ranges”), and high-frequency trading (using algorithms to execute large numbers of trades very quickly).
  2. Swing Trading: Swing traders take advantage of price swings in the market. They hold onto shares for days to weeks, seeking to profit from short to medium-term price movements. Technical analysis and charting are often used in swing trading to identify potential price movements.
  3. Position Trading: Position trading is a long-term approach where traders hold onto shares for weeks to months or even years. Position traders often use fundamental analysis to identify undervalued stocks with good growth potential.
  4. Growth Trading: Growth traders invest in companies that show above-average growth. Growth stocks generally do not distribute dividends since these companies commonly reinvest their profits to expedite their expansion.
  5. Value Trading: Value traders search for shares that they believe the market has undervalued. They use fundamental analysis to determine a company’s intrinsic value and invest when they perceive that the company’s shares are trading for less than their intrinsic value.
  6. Momentum Trading: Momentum traders focus on stocks that are moving in a certain direction with a significant amount of volume. They buy into trends and sell when they perceive that the trend is about to reverse.

Each type of trading requires a different strategy, skill set, and risk tolerance level. It’s important to understand these differences before deciding which type of trading is right for you.

Best Tips for Share Trading

  1. Educate Yourself: Understand the basics of the stock market, financial metrics and definitions, company financials, and how economic indicators impact the markets.
  2. Develop a Trading Plan: Your trading plan should detail your financial goals, risk tolerance, trading method (technical, fundamental, or both), and criteria for entering and exiting trades. Stick to this plan once it’s implemented.
  3. Stay Informed: Keep up with financial news and events that affect the markets. Earnings reports, new product launches, changes in management, and geopolitical events can all impact stock prices.
  4. Manage Your Risk: Only invest money you can afford to lose. To mitigate risk, it is advisable to diversify your portfolio by allocating investments across various asset classes. Use stop-loss orders to limit potential losses on any given trade.
  5. Analyze Your Trades: Review your trades to understand what you did right or wrong. This can help you refine your trading strategy and improve your decision-making process.
  6. Maintain Emotional Discipline: Stock trading can be stressful. It’s essential to maintain discipline, avoid emotional decisions, and stick to your trading plan.

Do’s and Don’ts of Share Trading


  1. Do Practice: Use a demo account to practice your trading strategies before you start trading with real money. This can help you understand how different strategies work and how they can impact your potential profits or losses.
  2. Do Start Small: Begin with a small amount of capital. This will limit your potential losses as you learn how to trade.
  3. Do Keep Records: Track all your trades, including the reasons for entering and exiting them, and any observations about the market conditions.


  1. Don’t Ignore the Trend: The trend is your friend. Trying to go against the trend is a common mistake beginners make.
  2. Don’t Overtrade: Trading too often or with too much volume can lead to significant losses. Trade only when you see opportunities that match your trading plan.
  3. Don’t Let Losses Scare You: Losing trades are part of trading. What matters is that your overall trading strategy is profitable.

Maximizing Revenue in Share Trading

  1. Capital Allocation: Allocate your capital wisely across different assets to optimize potential return and manage risk. Diversification can help you limit losses and generate steady returns. It is important to remember not to concentrate all your investments in a single option, as the saying goes, “don’t put all your eggs in one basket.”
  2. Leverage: Leverage enables you to engage in trading activities with a larger sum of money than what is available in your account. While it can amplify profits, it also magnifies losses. Hence, use leverage judiciously and understand the risks involved before utilizing it.
  3. Consistent Strategy: Stick to a consistent trading strategy. Continually changing your strategy can lead to mistakes and losses. Analyze and refine your strategy over time, but don’t let short-term market fluctuations disrupt your plan.
  4. Automation: Consider using automated trading systems. These can execute trades faster than humans and operate 24/7. But ensure to monitor them regularly to avoid technical glitches that could result in losses.
  5. Tax Efficiency: Understand the tax implications of your trades. Short-term trades may be subject to higher tax rates than long-term investments. Consult with a tax advisor to structure your trades in a tax-efficient manner.
  6. Cost Efficiency: Be aware of the costs associated with trading, such as brokerage fees, commissions, and transaction fees. TThese expenses can diminish your profits, particularly if you engage in frequent trading. Look for cost-effective trading platforms, but don’t sacrifice quality and security for low fees.
  7. Knowledge and Research: The more you know about the companies you invest in, the better your chances of making profitable trades. Regularly conduct both fundamental and technical analysis. Keep an eye on industry trends, company earnings, and economic indicators.
  8. Patience: Patience is indeed a virtue in share trading. Exercise patience and wait for the appropriate moment to enter and exit trades. Don’t rush into trades based on short-term market movements.

Additional Insights for Successful Share Trading

Choosing the Right Brokerage Platform: The right broker can make a huge difference in your trading experience. Look for a platform that offers user-friendly interface, comprehensive research tools, excellent customer service, and reasonable fees. Some brokers also offer educational resources which can be helpful for beginners.

Using Technical and Fundamental Analysis: Successful traders often use a combination of technical and fundamental analysis. Fundamental analysis involves evaluating a company’s financials, industry position, and market conditions to estimate its intrinsic value. Technical analysis, on the other hand, involves analyzing statistical trends gathered from market activity, such as price and volume.

Understanding Market Indicators: Indicators such as Moving Averages, Relative Strength Index (RSI), Bollinger Bands, and MACD can help predict future price movements. Nevertheless, it is crucial to keep in mind that these indicators are not foolproof and should be used in conjunction with other forms of analysis.

Economic Calendar: Major economic events can move the markets. Keep an eye on the economic calendar for events like interest rate announcements, employment reports, and GDP data. These can cause short-term volatility in the markets and potentially provide trading opportunities.

Paper Trading: Also known as demo trading, paper trading allows you to practice your trading strategies without risking real money. It’s a good way to learn about the markets and test your trading plan before you start trading with real money.

Maintain Emotional Control: Trading can be a turbulent journey that often stirs up emotions. It’s important to stay calm and focused, and not let fear or greed dictate your trading decisions. Always stick to your trading plan and don’t let short-term market movements lead you astray.

Continuous Learning: The financial markets are constantly evolving, and what works today might not work tomorrow. Successful traders are lifelong learners who continually educate themselves about new trading strategies, market conditions, and financial instruments.


Share trading can be a profitable venture if approached with knowledge, discipline, and strategic planning. From understanding different types of trading, to knowing the do’s and don’ts, implementing strategies to maximize revenue, and consistently staying informed about market dynamics – each aspect plays a critical role in your trading journey.

Remember, every trader experiences losses and it’s an integral part of the trading process. What matters most is your ability to learn from those losses and make informed decisions to improve future trades. Also, remember that patience is crucial – rushing into trades can lead to unnecessary risks. Lastly, ensure you keep evolving and adapting your strategies as per market changes, because the realm of share trading is constantly changing and so should your approach.